As know oil-type transformers are the most common form of transformers. When an oil-immersed transformer is in use, the heat generated by the coil and iron core is first transferred to the insulati...
The coil of transformer is an important part of transformer. It is said that the heart of coil type transformer is very important to transformer. In the transformer, the coil is the part of the cir...
Trihope signed an export contract with customer from KSA in July 2021, and already made delivery in October and November 2021, including two Vacuum Drying and Oil Filling Systems Model KY-6000 and ...
Last Monday, PEL and Trihope sign on the installation satisfaction for 1200KV, 180KJ High voltage impulse generator system. This is a new stage for M/S PEL. Because it means she has the ability to ...
Foil coil is mainly used for small and medium-sized transformers with capacity less than 2000KVA. The advantages of foil coil are: good mechanical strength, not easy to deformation, can withstand s...
Trihope signs an export contract with PAK ELEKRTONIC LIMITED , Pakistan For build 220KV Power Transformer Manufacturing plant.
The Contract including 3000kVA(50/60Hz)and 500kVA(200Hz) MG Set Fro...