As know oil-type transformers are the most common form of transformers. When an oil-immersed transformer is in use, the heat generated by the coil and iron core is first transferred to the insulating oil, then to the cooling medium.Power transformer maintenance not only keeps their internal and external components running but also maximizes their efficiency and lifespan.
Routine transformer maintenance isn’t a one-time thing. It would be best if you drafted individual daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly maintenance strategies. Here is a guide on how to schedule your power transformer maintenance:
Transformer daily maintenance routines include oil and temperature checks. You should ensure the ambient, winding, and oil temperatures are within the typical range. Moreover, you should check whether the oil level gauge adapts to temperature changes. If your oil-filled transformer doesn’t accomplish one of these things, it’s time to replace the indicator. Trihope’s transformer oil temperature indicator is specially designed for protection of transformer in addition to its temperature indication and cooling control features. That means, this device performs three functions. These instruments indicate instantaneous temperature of oil and windings of transformer

Additionally, you will have to compare the load voltage and current to the rated statistics as part of your daily power transformer maintenance routine. If the oil-filled transformers make a lot of noise, you need to figure out what’s causing it. Most of the time, there is an issue with the transformer core, cooling system, and coils.
Weekly and Monthly
You need to check several transformer components on a weekly or monthly basis. These include checking the oil’s dielectric strength, inspecting your cable box, cleaning your transformer’s auxiliary circuits, etc.
1.Checking the oil level in the oil cap on a monthly basis so that it doesn’t drop below a fixed limit and hence avoid damage due to it.
2. Keeping the breathing holes in the silica gel breather clean to ensure proper breathing action at all times.
3. Make sure that the oil is filled up to the correct level If your electrical transformer has oil filling bushing.
The air fans, oil pumps along other items that are used to reduce the temperature of a transformer and control circuit must be checked annually. Plus, it will include less frequent checks and complex tasks.
The tasks to include in your yearly oil-immersed transformer maintenance plan include:
1.Inspect the temperature indicators and off-circuit selector, and replace them if necessary.
2.Check the weatherproof seals on the marshaling boxes.
3.Measuring the insulation resistance of the transformer’s protection relays.
4.Examining the resistance of the fan or oil pump motors.
5.Assuring that there are no leaks around the pressure relief tank.
6Gasket joints (may need to be tightened to avoid uneven pressure)
Post time: Jun-05-2023