With the global epidemic still severe, our engineers and Pakistan Engineers are still working on the installation and commissioning of vpd-300 Vapor phase drying equipment.
In order to reduce the r...
China, Sichuan: China is building an ultra-high voltage substation at the highest altitude in the country so far.
The construction of a 1,000 kV substation in Ganzi Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture of...
effect of temperature on high pressure test
The change of temperature will fully affect the insulation resistance, so when the external temperature continues to rise, the movement of molecules and ...
Q1) what are instrument transformer?
If we want to measure extremely high values of current and voltage than there are two ways of measuring it. One is to use high capacity instruments which would ...
Distribution transformers normally have ratings less than 200 kVA,[2] although some national standards can allow for units up to 5000 kVA to be described as distribution transformers. Since distrib...
As know oil-type transformers are the most common form of transformers. When an oil-immersed transformer is in use, the heat generated by the coil and iron core is first transferred to the insulati...