Distribution transformers normally have ratings less than 200 kVA,[2] although some national standards can allow for units up to 5000 kVA to be described as distribution transformers. Since distrib...
In Jul 2023, TRIHOPE has successfully installed and commissioned numbers of special transformer manufacturing equipment to its Mexico partners, including Foil Winding Machine, High voltage coil aut...
With the global epidemic still severe, our engineers and Pakistan Engineers are still working on the installation and commissioning of vpd-300 Vapor phase drying equipment.
In order to reduce the r...
When the transformer is in operation, heat is generated due to copper losses in the windings and iron losses in the core. The removal of heat from the transformer is known as cooling of the transfo...
DUBLIN, May 20, 2022–(BUSINESS WIRE)–ResearchAndMarkets.com adds “Transformers Global Market Report 2022, by Transformer Type, Type and End User” report to ResearchAndMarket...
I.Cause of Partial Discharge
The transformer insulator, metal body and so on are often with some sharp angle and burr, so the electric charges under the action of electric field intensity will conc...