Bus bars are an important component in the manufacture of transformers. They are a solid element that allows a flexible way of transmitting and distributing power. Busbars are produced in a variety...
DUBLIN, May 20, 2022–(BUSINESS WIRE)–ResearchAndMarkets.com adds “Transformers Global Market Report 2022, by Transformer Type, Type and End User” report to ResearchAndMarket...
Last week, Trihope sucessed delivery the 4 units 1400 Four layer foil winding machine to our America customer, The customer conducted a pre factory inspection at our factory, They Highly affirm t...
Pressure Relief devices/valves are typically classified in the Transformer industry as safety or protection devices transformer pressure relief device valve for liquid-immersed transformers open in...
Transformer winding machine is the most important core production equipment in the production process of transformer. Its winding performance determines the electrical characteristics of transforme...
Trihope signs an export contract with PAK ELEKRTONIC LIMITED , Pakistan For build 220KV Power Transformer Manufacturing plant.
The Contract including 3000kVA(50/60Hz)and 500kVA(200Hz) MG Set Fro...