effect of temperature on high pressure test
The change of temperature will fully affect the insulation resistance, so when the external temperature continues to rise, the movement of molecules and ...
Pressure Relief devices/valves are typically classified in the Transformer industry as safety or protection devices transformer pressure relief device valve for liquid-immersed transformers open in...
Despite of the strike of COVID-19 pandemic during Feb in China, Our company is actively resuming to normal work. Engineers from our SENERGE factory have flew to TBEA headquarter in Xinjiang China i...
I.Cause of Partial Discharge
The transformer insulator, metal body and so on are often with some sharp angle and burr, so the electric charges under the action of electric field intensity will conc...
Total eight sets of machines and equipment from Mexican customers have been delivered for use one after another. Thank all partners for your strong support! Work together for Chinese equipment goin...
In Aug 2023, TRIHOPE successfully commissioned multi-function busbar machining center to WEG group Mexico factory. WEG is a well-known transformer manufacturer in BRAZIL, have marketing leadershi...