effect of temperature on high pressure test
The change of temperature will fully affect the insulation resistance, so when the external temperature continues to rise, the movement of molecules and ...
Last week, Trihope sucessed delivery the 4 units 1400 Four layer foil winding machine to our America customer, The customer conducted a pre factory inspection at our factory, They Highly affirm t...
A series of problems, such as larger diameter, the formation of waves on the cylinder, the deviation of the verticality of the assembly, and the unqualified performance after annealing during proce...
With over 19% of the global market share, M/s COFICAB has become a reliable partner for the top automotive wiring harness makers and most of the OEMs. In Aug 2023, M/s Coficab share us the ...
Last Monday, PEL and Trihope sign on the installation satisfaction for 1200KV, 180KJ High voltage impulse generator system. This is a new stage for M/S PEL. Because it means she has the ability to ...
Trihope signs an export contract with PAK ELEKRTONIC LIMITED , Pakistan For build 220KV Power Transformer Manufacturing plant.
The Contract including 3000kVA(50/60Hz)and 500kVA(200Hz) MG Set Fro...