Shandong Electric delivers 500kV transformer
Shandong Electric Power Equipment Co., Ltd. has announced it has delivered a 500kV single-phase, on-load voltage regulating high-seismic transformer to Transelec, the largest national power transmission company in Chile.
The transformer is the first of its kind made by Shandong Electric Power Equipment Company, according to a company statement.
October 9, 2022
400 transformers to stabilise Oti region
Ghana: The Electricity Company of Ghana (ECG) has revealed that the company has installed 400 transformers to stabilize electricity supply in Oti region.
ECG’s regional manager for the Oti Region Emmanuel Lumor disclosed this during the Regional ECG stakeholder engagement with its municipal and district managers.
In addition to transformers, Lumor also mentioned that ECG has taken measures to prevent the situation where the company’s poles get burnt annually.
“The ECG has also provided enough meters to replace the faulty ones,” he added.
An opportunity was given to the public to air their grievances.
On concerns that street lights in the region do not function regularly, Lumor advised residents to contact the ECG to provide them with certified electricians anytime their street lights develop faults.
On his part, the Oti Regional Minister Joshua Makubu appealed to the Municipal and District Assemblies to factor ECG officials in their District Performance Assessment Tool (DPAT) meetings to sensitise the assembly members on some of these issues.
He also requested the District and Municipal Managers of the ECG to submit lists of certified electricians to the MDAs.
Source: Ghana Today
October 20, 2022
Qatar’s towarding a more sustainable future
Qatar, Doha: Hitachi Energy announced it has delivered its grid connection solution for Qatar’s Al Kharsaah solar photovoltaic (PV) power plant.
This is one of the world’s largest and the country’s first utility-scale solar PV park, 80 km west of Doha, which was inaugurated on the occasion by His Highness Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani, Amir of the State of Qatar.
Al Kharsaah has a generating capacity of around 800 megawatts. It will avoid 26 MT of carbon dioxide emissions during its operating life and help Qatar progress towards its goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 25 percent by 2030.
Hitachi Energy has provided an engineered package that collects all the power generated by the plant’s 1.8 million solar modules and transfers it into the national transmission system safely and reliably.
“We are delighted to have made such a significant contribution to this milestone in Qatar’s journey towards an energy system that is more sustainable, flexible and secure,” said Niklas Persson, Managing Director of Hitachi Energy’s Grid Integration business. “Our expertise and long track record of supplying grid integration solutions in Qatar and the Middle East make us a partner of choice for large-scale renewable energy projects like Al Kharsaah.”

Post time: Oct-27-2022