Bus bars are an important component in the manufacture of transformers. They are a solid element that allows a flexible way of transmitting and distributing power. Busbars are produced in a variety...
Distribution transformers normally have ratings less than 200 kVA,[2] although some national standards can allow for units up to 5000 kVA to be described as distribution transformers. Since distrib...
According to the Research And Markets report, The power transformer market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 7.9% from 2020 to 2027. The power transformer market was valued at $27.7 billion in 2019,...
Trihope signs an export contract with PAK ELEKRTONIC LIMITED , Pakistan For build 220KV Power Transformer Manufacturing plant.
The Contract including 3000kVA(50/60Hz)and 500kVA(200Hz) MG Set Fro...
Foil coil is mainly used for small and medium-sized transformers with capacity less than 2000KVA. The advantages of foil coil are: good mechanical strength, not easy to deformation, can withstand s...
Transformer winding machine is the most important core production equipment in the production process of transformer. Its winding performance determines the electrical characteristics of transforme...